AMWA at two Indiana career events for students

Representatives from AMWA's Indiana chapter will appear at two career events for college students this week.

On Tuesday, February 24, from 6:00-8:00 pm, Esther Brooks-Asplund, the chapter's member resources chair, will participate in Science Connect. The program is sponsored by IU Bloomington's Arts & Sciences Career Services and is part of a series that is dedicated to helping science students discover the career possibilities associated with studying the sciences at IUB. The event will be held at the Indiana Memorial Union's Tree Suites, and you can RSVP here. Food will be served. 

On Wednesday, February 25, from 10:30-11:30 am, Greg Adams, the chapter's president, will participate in a panel for Medical Humanities Career Day at IUPUI in Indianapolis. The event will be held in room 409 of the Campus Center. Greg will talk about the value of a liberal arts education in health-related careers. After the panel discussion, Steve Ivy, M Div, PhD, will give a keynote speech on "Flourishing in a Health-Related Career:  Essentials and Possibilities." Pizza will be served as well.

At both events, Esther and Greg will distribute flyers for the upcoming chapter conference, which is an excellent opportunity for networking and education for students as well as for professionals in medical communications. Special student rates are available.



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