November Newsflash & Call for Volunteers
Hello, Hoosier AMWA members! As one of the newest members of the Publications Committee, I will be involved putting together the AMWA Indiana Newsflash and wanted to be sure you were aware of the upcoming publication of the November issue. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there are several events scheduled for the first half of the month, including as soon as later this week, so please take a look at the Newsflash if you’re interested in participating in any of them. In this month’s issue, you’ll also find helpful information about additional AMWA Indiana events scheduled for later this year and early 2019 and details pertaining to free online courses.
Hoosier AMWA is also currently seeking volunteers interested in contributing to the May 2019 newsletter. Specifically, we’re looking for authors with expertise in science/medical writing, Google and SEO terms, productivity and workspace design and grant writing. We will send out an email reminder by January 1, 2019. The deadline for article submissions will be April 1, 2019. Please contact me (, Janelle Renschler ( or Alex Aguilar ( with any questions.
Thank you.
Ravi Meibalane, AMWA Indiana Publications Committee