Be the first to become Medical Writer Certified (MWC™)
Set the standard in medical writing excellence
Bring your professional expertise to the forefront by becoming a member of the inaugural class of AMWA's Medical Writer Certified (MWC™) credential holders. The first certification of its kind, the MWC™ demonstrates that you possess the foundation of knowledge required for medical writing across all disciplines.
By earning the credential of MWC™, you can
Give an employer or client increased confidence in your credibility and knowledge of medical writing
Show your commitment to continued professional development in the field of medical writing
Increase your marketability and opportunities for career advancement
You qualify for the exam when you meet the following requirements:
A bachelor's degree in any field of study (see more)
A minimum of 2 years of full-time work experience or the equivalent (e.g., 4 years of documented part-time work at 20 hours/week) within the past 5 years. Experience must be paid work in the field of medical writing
Apply now!
The application deadline for the September 30 exam is June 30.
Get started today
You may need a few weeks to acquire the documentation you need to apply for the exam, so get started now.